Thursday, May 10, 2012

Song of the Day

I usually try to avoid this song on my iPod when it comes on because I find it to be overly emotional & probably not the best song for me to hear.  Couldn't really deny it today, been pretty dejected lately.  The usual.  Wish I didn't have so many people in my life who have lied & stabbed me in the back, blah blah blah.  Just going through some garbage where I'm accepting the fact that I'm completely alone, but not really all that thrilled about it.  Ah well, I'm kinda used to people letting me down & abandoning me anyway, just never really fun.  I do tend to bring it on myself though, seeing as how I hide mostly everything (unless I post it on this thing) & just push people away.  I guess I'm waiting for that person who actually goes out of their way to prove to me that they care, instead of just words.  I have this weird delusion, if you want to call it that, in my head that I've had to go through so much crap & I should come to expect people to do more than I expect of them.  I guess I believe I deserve more or better, though there is no part of me that actually believes I'll get it.  I don't trust anybody, I don't rely on anyone.  Just not worth it.  Most of the time the person you're relying on doesn't even know it, so how fair is it to them in the long run?  Some people are just meant to be alone, doesn't necessarily mean it's a horrible thing.  I got something in the mail today that really threw me through a loop.  Nothing major or life altering, just kinda shocking & out of nowhere.  It's going to make for an interesting  2 weeks or so.

2nd tally for Hollywood Undead, 1st tally for Black Dahlia

Black Dahlia - Hollywood Undead

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