I love nights where I hang out with friends after a long shift of work. This is my ideal way to spend an evening. Life is so much easier when I'm not forced to try and decipher other people's actions because very few people in this world actually open up and just say what the fuck they're thinking. I've come to realize that I greatly dislike trying to read people and being forced to seemingly compete. It shouldn't take that much effort to just chill and have fun. That's what I get on nights like tonight. I sit there, crack some jokes, discuss future plans, relax, and unwind. My relaxation time should not be more stressful than working. One song of the day today is quite typical. The other? Not so much.
1st tally for Bad Meets Evil, 1st tally for Lighters
Lighters - Bad Meets Evil
Had a dream I was king, woke up, still king.
18th tally for All Time Low, 1st tally for Do You Want Me (Dead?)
Do You Want Me (Dead?) - All Time Low
I'm getting sick of your bullshit attitude and how you walk around like you shine brighter. It's killing me. So, what do you say? Do you want me? Or do you want me dead?